We had two rituals for Lughnasadh this year – one in-person at Point Pleasant Park and another online on Zoom! Stefan created a chakra healing grid for our online ritual. Here it is the photo and outline:
Description of Healing Chakra Crystals from Stefan:
at the Earth Star chakra below the feet are lodestone and black tourmaline for grounding and connections with Mama Earth,
on the root chakra at the base of the spine red calcite,
on the sacral chakra, just below the belly button orange calcite,
on the solar plexus chakra honey calcite,
on the heart chakra Mangano calcite and green calcite,
on the throat chakra Caribbean calcite,
and on the soul star chakra above the head clear quartz.
This is my gentle Calcite layout if anyone is interested in a full session with me. At the top of the layout I have Earth Mama to watch over the session. If anyone has any questions please let me know .

Thank you Stefan! And thanks to all ritual organizers for Lughnasadh this year! If you are interested in getting involved with ritual planning, feel free to contact us.
Another exciting event happening this season: The ESSNS RAFFLE! Visit the Raffle page on our website to read more about it. Prizes will be posted as they are confirmed!
After being paused for 2 years due to Covid, we have exciting news about potential for AEGIS Pagan Retreat this year!
A message from John:
Announcing AEGIS lite – In the Cocoon (maybe)
Let’s have a Gathering. It’s been too long since Covid restrained us. We are prepared to
offer AEGIS, on the weekend of Sept 16-18 at a lovely, wooded, private campground, one
hour outside of Halifax, off of the 103. Here’s the catch: we can only afford it if we have at
least 50 people @ $50.00 each. If we have that, we can have the campground to ourselves
for the weekend. It has everything we need and the owners would like to have us.
We will have workshops, rituals, Bardic Circle and more – for the whole family.
So, we need people to confirm they will come. Please let us know if you will attend or if you
have any questions. As soon as we have sufficient commitment, we will let you know it is a
Let’s make it happen. Let’s get together.
And another event is returning this year…!